Studio Policies


We follow procedures and policies based on the advice of the CDC and local health agencies and ask for your cooperation in this effort. When necessary, we will require the wearing of masks in the studio.

We reserve the right to move in-person lessons online if a student (or anyone in the household) is experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or other viruses (including Fever, Dry Cough, Sore Throat, Shortness of Breath, Runny Nose, Loss of Taste or Smell).


We will treat every student as an individual, providing a positive and enthusiastic atmosphere for learning to the very best of our ability. We will communicate frequently with parents in regards to student progress and studio activities.


We believe that each student’s progress depends on all of us (the teacher, the student, and the guardians) working together.

Students and their guardians agree to arrive at each lesson on time, well-prepared, and with all their lesson materials, books, assignment book, and music scores. For students taking online lessons, please be on the video conferencing site a few minutes early so you are ready to begin at the start of your lesson. Should a student be over 15 minutes late to their lesson without notifying the instructor, the lesson is subject to cancellation. Please note punctuality is the responsibility of the student and their guardians.

PRATCICING: Students should maintain a record of their daily practice time in their assignment notebook. For younger students, guardians can help with this, but older students should maintain their own practice log. The instructor may ask to see your practice log at each lesson.

We recommend practicing 6 days per week:
Very young children (age 4 through K), practice 10-15 minutes per day (usually with parents’ help)
Grades 1-2, practice about 20-30 minutes per day (sometimes with parents’ help)
Grades 3-5, practice about 45 minutes per day (occasionally parents may help)
Middle and High school, practice about 60 minutes per day (usually on your own)

IMPORTANT: When practicing, keep focused on accomplishing one or two specific things, don't just ‘play through your pieces’ to get done - work on small bits at a time (2-4 measures, or ‘boxes’ when your teacher outlines boxes in lessons) playing slowly, with good phrasing, attention to dynamics, proper hand position, and a nice tone quality. Practice with a metronome at times to ensure that your rhythm is solid and that you know the notes extremely well.

ALSO IMPORTANT: Also, be sure to check your that the student’s theory homework is done. For online students, please send a photo of completed homework pages two days BEFORE their lesson. If a student doesn’t finish each week’s theory assignments, we might make them stay after the end of their lesson to finish it (OR use lesson time to see them finish). . .

If something is happening at home, in life, or at school that is affecting your ability to learn or progress in lessons, please let your instructor know so that they may be more sensitive to your needs.

Students are strongly encouraged to have an acoustic or full digital piano at home, which has 88 keys and weight keys. You are making an investment in your education and a “real” piano will maximize that investment.


When students enroll in lessons, they are reserving their time in the studio for the entire year. Students are also encouraged to register for summer lessons – students lose momentum and skills developed through the school year when stopping for the summer.  (We generally focus on duets, ensemble playing, and other unique music-making projects in summers. . .) Stopping for summer forfeits the student’s spot on the studio schedule unless the time slot is paid for during the student’s absence. Enrollment in the studio is a firm commitment that guarantees your place in the studio.


Lessons are typically once per week for either thirty minutes, forty-five minutes, or one hour in length depending on the age, goals, and the needs of each individual student. NOTE: All guardians are welcome (and encouraged!) to observe lessons any time.


Tuition is billed on a monthly basis at the beginning of each month. Payment should be made by the 7th day of the month. A $10 late fee will be assessed for payments made after the 5th day of the month.


No refund for no-shows, tardiness, or missing a scheduled weekly lesson. If you need to reschedule a lesson, you must provide twenty-four (24) hours advance notice. Although we will do our best to reschedule the lesson within the same week, we cannot make any guarantees. If you think you will be late, please call or text to let us to know that you will be arriving late.


We realize there are times when a student will have to stop or suspend their studies. If you or your child find yourselves in this situation, please discuss it with us as soon as possible. We DO offer a refund if you need to suspend lessons, but require 2 weeks notice (in writing via email or text). A pro-rated refund will be calculated for the remaining lessons.


All piano students must have an instrument on which to practice regularly. All students must purchase required method books, practice assignment notebook, and other assigned educational materials (the instructor will notify students/parents what materials to purchase for lessons). It is the student’s responsibility to bring all materials along to each lesson.


Theory does matter when studying music. Students need to complete weekly music theory assignments.


All students are strongly encouraged to participate in the studio recitals held twice a year (Winter and End-of-year Recitals) as well as many other performance opportunities, both competitive as well as non-competitive. Most activities and enrollment deadlines will be put on the Studio Calendar. Those who sign up for competitions or auditions agree to put forth the nessicary effort and commitment. Students will do not prepare adaquately risk their participation in these events.


Please try to arrive and depart lessons on time. If waiting before, during, or after class, students and guardians are expected to remain quietly in the assigned waiting area.

Guardians: If you must leave the studio during the lesson, be sure to return 5-10 minutes BEFORE the end of the lesson to pick them up on time - and to get an update on both musical progress and lesson assignments.

And please, do not bring ANY food or drink.


For voice students, you may be required to download or purchase accompaniments for your songs so that you can practice at home. There will also be times (recitals and performance) when a live accompanist will be required. We will help secure an accomplished pianist for such occasions, but accompanist fees are the responsibility of the student/guardians. For online voice lessons, it is required for students to have a music stand, and a tripod for a web-cam. Please have these set to the right height for your student before the beginning of each lesson.


To inspire consistent practice and completion of lesson assignment, students can earn practice-incentive awards and prizes throughout the year. At the end of each school-year, accomplishment certificates will be awarded to students for their hard work and dedication.

P.S. We have a cat who occasionally visits the studio. If you have an acute cat allergy, be sure you have taken appropriate medication before your lesson.