Frequently Asked Questions

How old should my child be before starting music lessons?

Each child is ready for formal training at a different age, some can start as early as 3 or 4 years old while others are ready much later. As long as a young child can recognize numbers and colors, they are ready to try lessons.

We offer a large discount off the first month’s tuition: the first lesson is FREE and we take 30% off the price of the next 3 weeks. This discount is to ensure that your child is ready to start music lessons.

Every child is unique in his/her development and abilities and we will give you an honest assessment. We consider their emotional, physical, and mental readiness before advising formal musical training.

Contact us if you have questions about your child’s readiness to start lessons.


I am an adult learner, am I too old to begin music lessons?

No! The wonderful thing about music making is that it is never too old to start enjoying a musical instrument and sharing music with others.


How long is each lesson?

For beginning students, we recommend starting with 30-minute lessons. As they progress in their assignments, most students extend their lessons to 45 minutes or an hour, but to start 30 minutes is generally the best fit.

How much should I practice?

We have found that quality and consistency of practice (not quantity) are the most important. As a general ‘rule of thumb,’ try to set a consistent practice time on at least 5 days each week.

The length of daily practice time is different for each student. Very young children tend to do best when they have a couple 5-minute practice times each day, while older students can focus on their assignments for longer periods of time.

I want to play for my church or collaborate with friends. How long do I need to take lessons to reach this level?

We all progress and learn at different rates, so there is no one answer to this question. But a good ‘rule of thumb’ is to plan about 5 hours of practice every week for 5 years - generally this takes one from no experience to a ‘mid-advanced’ level of playing - a level where one can make music with friends, perform late-intermediate to early-advanced level music, and accompany singing (or instrumentalists) at church or other community gatherings.

Do I need a have piano to start piano lessons?

We do get this question. . . and the answer is not a simple ‘yes.’ Owning a piano is a serious financial investment, it changes the layout of your home, and it demonstrates your long-term commitment to music making.

Students exploring lessons for the first time often start piano training with an electronic keyboard. See our equipment page for more information.

I take lessons and my friends and relatives are wondering if they should start too. Can they try a lesson to see how much fun it is?

Yes! We love referrals - your friend or relative can come for a FREE lesson. And we give you one FREE lesson for making the referral.

Friends who are taking lessons often play duets and do other fun musical activities together. We incorporate these activities into students’ musical training.

What events and opportunities does the studio provide for students?

Our studio provides a number of private and public events for student participation. This includes recitals, masterclasses, standardized examinations, etc.

See our Events page for more information.

What is the dress code for recitals, competitions, exams, etc?

This depends on the type of event.

For formal end-of-term recitals, masterclasses, competitions, and exams (i.e. performances at a recital hall, community center, music association competitions, etc., and when video recordings for national exams), wear a nice outfit - like something you would wear to a church service on Sunday. Girls wear a nice dress (include black dress) or dress slacks and a nice blouse, boys wear a nice suit or a white shirt with a vest (with or without a tie). And be sure to wear nice dress shoes (NO tennis shoes or casual shoes, please).

For less formal events and holiday recitals, an appropriate costume is highly encouraged! 😊 For example - for summer events wear nice summer outfit (such as colorful summer dress or a colorful shirt); for the Halloween recital wear your preferred costume; for our Winter / Christmas Recital wear a Christmas / Chanukah / Ramadan / Winter Festival outfit or something holiday themed; etc.

Where can I find the piano tuner?

We suggest Milton Horne. 816-585-3980